Monday, January 2, 2017

Introduction to the American Criminal

     Who am I? I am the American Common Criminal. My name is Terry Rucker and I have a rap sheet. Among my accolades include a guilty plea for Robbery in the 2nd Degree for which I spent six out of ten straight years in the Missouri Department of Corrections, from 2004 - 2010. Domestic Assault 3rd Degree, for which I was sentenced to unsupervised probation, and most recently, as of February 18th, 2016 I plead guilty to two counts of Distribution of a Controlled Substance, for which I am currently serving 5 years supervised probation with a 6 year back-up. (Back-up - Term of incarceration should I be violated and my probation revoked).

     I've been previously charged with Arson, Resisting Arrest, Destruction of State Property, Failure to Identify as a Witness, 2nd Degree Assault, Felonious Restraint, Armed Criminal Action, Introducing Contraband into a Federal Facility, destruction of state propety and Stealing. These charges have either been dismissed, dropped, or currently pending.

    Why am I telling you this? In the days that are to follow I will reference these various crimes,  some in detail. I don't want to brag, but using words like "accolades" one would think I am proud of what I've done. I'm not. However, there is a sense of pride having survived the many trials and tribulations I've encountered. The main reason for listing these criminal activities was to establish a base of knowledge and qualify myself as an American Criminal.

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